Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prac 4 & 5 Reflections

Today i have learnt to use other search engines besides "Yahoo" and "Google". The search engine i used today was It is not as effective as Google and Yahoo when i wanted to do my research. More results related to my research subject can be found in google rather then in metacrawler. Metacrawler only give very brief and ver little information and answers to my research topic. Whereas google was more detailed and gave me much more information. BUT metacrawler has more information relating to my research topic compared to yahoo directory. Yahoo directory does not give information relating to my research topic. I'm not going to use Yahoo Directory as my main search engine for my research topic as its quite useless for my research at the moment.

I've also learnt how to add site feeds to my blog. It's quite interesting as i feel i can communicate more with other people.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prac 3 reflections

I was very impressed by how much information google can provide when you know how to use the search functions and features properly. It gives you more information then you need. I never used the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button on Google before until i tried it during this practical lesson. It leads me directly to a website that is related to what i have typed into the search engine box. This actually helps me to save time as i do not have to look through other websites.

The discussion forum was alright, it was not scary at all because i feel that whatever was written on the forum is what people personally think of the topic i'm researching on... It was quite good to see what people think of what you have written. So it actually helps in my research. I did not feel anxious at all. I wanted to know what people thought of my opinions.

Citations and bibliograpghy is for future references to these websites incase we needed to research on topics related to those websites again. I feel that it is important to keep citations and bibliogaphies as it helps you to save time because you do not have to search for new websites of the related topic.

Overall I think todays practical was very useful as it will probably help me more in my internet research.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

E Shopping Spree

> Tank Top

The top is black in colour which is my favourite colour, the golden stripes make the top look brighter and not too dull.

> Adidas Shoes

The adidas sports shoes are a very comfy pair of shoes, you can even wear them 24/7. Even though colours are limited, but the shoes are very comfortable. ($78)

> Apple iPod

An Apple iPod is useful when you are always taking long journeys back home on public transports. You can use it to watch videos and listen to music on the way. (Price: $185 for 120GB)

The purpose of my visit to the shopping website to to buy and look at things that i like online.
Reflection of the day:
I finally got to know how to categorize different types of topics into 5 different types of categories, such as Information, Advocacy, News, Business/marketing and Entertainment. It makes research a little easier when topics are being categorized. In this practical, I have learnt how to use discussion forums as sources of information for my research, which i hardly do nowadays. I also learnt how to differenciate the resources i have by seeing if they are from a personal aspect or from an organization. The E shopping spree also helped me to feel how online shopping is like because i do not go online to buy or even look at things before. Twitter has helped me to easily conncet and stay in touch with the people i want to know.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

About Me

Hello! My name is Jaclyn Chan, people usually call me Jac.
The course I am studying in is Consumer Science and Technology(CST) under Applied Science.
My favourite past time activity is playing tennis and swimming. My favourite TV programmes is Prison Break, Flashforward, House and many many more.
I like to hang out at the Beach, Parkway and places with a pool table.
I like websites like facebook, youtube, comic sites and music sites.

The hobby that i'm passionate about is Drawing. Liked it ever since i was in pri school.
I also like watching TV and use the internet.