Friday, January 8, 2010

Prac 7 Citizen Journalism

On this EIR lesson/practical,we did group work for the first time to discuss about citizen globalisation. I thought this activity was quite different as i was needed to communicate with my classmates face to face. I got to know two other people from the IT course. It was good to talk and discuss about stuff once in a while doing class, instead of just facing the computer for two whole hours, it tires my eyes out. We were also needed to visited the website "" to relate citizen globalisation with the website. actually allows contribution of contents, sharing of ideas/open concept and the free expression of thoughts and ideas which covers all the criteria of a citizen globalisation. News that are uploaded there are actually quite updated. I think its a really interesting website to be in, it suits what a normal teenager would want to read.

Sharing my ideas in wiki helps me express my ideas and comments on It was also a good chance for me to take a look at what other people feel about the website. It also helps me find out more about and what other people feel of it. Sharing my ideas in wiki allows other people to view what i think of By doing so, i actually get feedback from them and thus this will expand my knowledge of the researched subject by giving comments.

What i've learnt in this lesson helps me to evaluate websites more easily and now i know what website to use if i want people to commet and view my project.

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